All submissions must include the following information at the top of their submissions:

Author Name, Credentials (DO, OMS-1,2,3,4, etc)

Finished articles must be emailed to or submitted via the online submission form by:

Submissions are currently accepted on a rolling basis.

Once your article has been submitted, expect to have it returned with edits and suggestions. Be prepared to return the edited copy within 4-5 days of receiving the edited version.

Feel free to include images, especially if you have some that specifically relate to the article. It helps draw attention to your article and avoids presenting readers with walls of intimidating text to read. If you include pictures, please attach high-resolution versions of them to the e-mail to us, and do not embed the pictures in your document. Images may be included in the body of your text for placement purposes and labels only.

All topics related to emergency medicine are welcome! Article themes/styles of interest include:

  • Case studies
  • Approaches to different patient presentations
  • Review articles
  • Tricks of the trade
  • Interviews with researchers/physician leaders
  • Mental health and wellness
  • Current events
  • Opinion articles

All submitted articles must:

  • Be submitted on time and returned with proper edits on time.
  • Be high-quality and deemed worthy of publication by the Publications Committee and its editors.
  • Not contain patient identifiers.
  • Not be published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
  • Be the author’s original work.
  • Not contain copyrighted material, including pictures, without written consent of owner.
  • Include citations in AMA format when appropriate.
  • Include keywords (Example: Cardiology, Ultrasound, Airway, Neurology)

Writing tips:

  • Case reports should be in the past tense. Carefully proofread your article for breaks in tense.
  • Use only one space after periods.
  • The word “that” is rarely needed.
  • Avoid addressing the reader.
  • Avoid colloquial terms and phrases such as “the fact that” or other phrases used in spoken English but not in formal writing.
  • Never write “Research shows…” or “Studies show…” Just state the fact and reference your statement.
  • Spell out numbers 1-9, write 10 and above numerically. One, two, three…nine, 10, 11.
  • Bibliographies should be in alphabetical order. References must have citations in the text and need to be in the order referenced within the text.


  • “osteopathic medicine,” “emergency medicine” and other similar words should not be capitalized.
  • It’s standard to either write “Dr. John Smith” or “John Smith, DO.” Writing both prenominal and postnominal letters is redundant.