It is never too early or late in your career to get involved! Whether you are a first year medical student or a fourth year resident, the RSO has leadership opportunities available to you every step of the way.
Run for an Elected Position
Are you interested in leadership? Do you want to be on the front lines of our evolving specialty? If so, serving on the RSO Board of Directors might be the place for you.
The RSO Board is made up of 13 elected positions, 7 executive board and 6 committee chairs. Elections are held yearly at the Scientific Assembly. As an elected officer, you are expected to attend both the Spring Seminar and the Scientific Assembly and participate on quarterly conference calls. This is a great opportunity to serve your fellow residents and students and has the potential to open many doors for your future in Emergency Medicine.
View job descriptions and election details
Get Published
The Fast Track is the official publication of the ACOEP Resident Student Organization (RSO).
See an interesting case recently? Have a specific interest? The Fast Track is a great opportunity to get published. Our publications team is always looking for more student and resident articles and will work with you to get your article ready for publication. Plus, your article will be shared on social media and possibly generate discussion.
Present Your Research
Want to present your research or case study on the national stage? Then consider participating in one of our annual competitions. The Foundation of Osteopathic Emergency Medicine (FOEM) hosts multiple case-based and research competitions for residents and students at both the Spring Seminar and Scientific Assembly. This is a great way to get feedback from leaders in the field while boosting your CV.
Seek Local Leadership
If you are not ready to serve at the national level, consider getting involved with the RSO on a local level.
For students, this means joining your school’s emergency medicine interest group. Each EMIG provides EM leadership opportunities and most have an ACOEP-RSO liaison position. This is a great way to gain leadership experience and is often a stepping stone to a national position.
At the resident level, consider becoming the residency representative for your program. Each academic year the RSO seeks out a representative at every program to serve as a liaison and help distribute important dates, deadlines and information.